December Market Stats

Overall we’re still seeing an upward pressure on prices across the region in KW, Cambridge and Guelph. This is due to a decreasing level of inventory over the winter months. There has been a 45%, 41%, and 37.89% month over month decrease in detached homes available in KW, Cambridge, and Guelph respectively, this past December.

There may be a buying opportunity with condos in Cambridge as prices are down 12.86% month over month. Condo prices in KW and Guelph were up at 4% and 10.32% month over month, respectively. Guelph still has the highest detached home prices at a median of $965K in December, KW close behind at $935K and Cambridge with lowest median price at $870K.

Township homes are no longer a good buy as we saw in November. The median price for detached and vacant land has risen since November. Inventory of detached homes and vacant land was also down in December. Not surprisingly, there is a surplus of agricultural/farm land available.

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The Blue Smurf Flip Part 2